Medical and Surgical Masks for COVID-19

The Japanese are ever so considerate of their fellow humans and wear masks if they have a cold to avoid passing germs on to others.  Notice also the gloved hands that open doors for customers in hotels and department stores, and taxis with automatic doors so passengers don’t have to touch the door handle.  They take germs seriously. Rather than shaking hands, they have been bowing for centuries.

The United States is not ready for a pandemic should COVID-19 infect large numbers of Americans. Schools are breeding grounds for germs and some parents are turning to home schooling to keep their children away from exposure.  Other places you’ll find a concentration of germs are concerts, political rallies, and sporting events.  Only a few states have testing equipment available and there is no master plan to deal with every aspect of life as we now know it, from business operations to public transportation to family vacations.

While masks are usually seen on surgeons and medical personnel in a hospital setting, there has been a surge in sales in the U.S. because masks would perhaps assuage the fear in people who are naturally suspicious of others. Having a supply of masks on hand probably give people some feeling of control.  One type of mask is the kind worn by doctors and health care employees to avoid expelling respiratory droplets in the air. The second kind, N95 face respirator masks, create a barrier to protect a person from inhaling germs and viruses. Both types of mask become damp in a short time and are uncomfortable to wear for more than 30 minutes. The CDC has not recommended face masks but pharmacies are running out and masks are disappearing from hospitals.

I watched an interview of a doctor on TV and she advised everyone to use common sense: wash your hands frequently, carry an alcohol based hand sanitizer with you, and consider not shaking hands. For the new cases of COVID-19 without a known source, I personally wonder if the common denominator will be a product or piece of clothing that originated in China.